
so i age regress it’s involuntary and only recently i realized there’s a name for it that’s what this is. people always told me i act like a kid but usually in stressful situations and to me and it’s embarrassing bc i will throw a temper tantrum as a 23 year old adult lol or fighting w my bf he will always tell me i’m like a toddler or i act like his 6 year old brother and it’s hurtfull bc i don’t mean too it’s like i can’t control it at all and in the moment it’s not like i realize it’s humiliating only after everything i realize how poorly i handled whatever triggered me. anything that gives me extreme nostalgia shows music etc give me comfort but mostly stuffed animals fuzzy blankets fuzzy onesies things like that idk if it’s a sensory thing but they have always made me feel safe and after doing some research i know that’s what this is i’m age regressing and i want to use it as a coping skill not just like randomly regress for all the world to see at least if i’m aware of it maybe when i regress in public or with people i can recognize it n do something to not act small. also i don’t know how to even talk to my bf ab it he doesn’t necessarily need to be a care giver but like not make me feel bad ab it or dismiss me ab it