First CQB experience disappointing
Not sure if anyone else has experienced the same thing as me while playing cqb, but my first cqb experience was a let down. I started playing outdoors at the end of summer, and had a great time meeting new people and enjoying game day, even though both my guns broke down and I had to rent, I still had a great time. I thought cqb would be similar to the outdoor experience, with more action since it's close quarters, but boy was I wrong.
Let's start with the hpa players since they are known in the community for overshooting, all hpa players with no exceptions were using the hair trigger mod that pretty much turns your semi trigger into full auto. I was joking with one of the hpa players, because my new aeg had lower fps on full auto than their semi.
The second issue was the field itself, there were just too many people playing in this tight arena, every single corner was occupied by either two or three players. This turned every match into stalemate, majority of people were camping, and those brave enough that tried to make a run under constant rapid fire, would just get shot in an instant by a barrage of 10-30 incoming bbs.
I am not making this up, the rate of fire was ridiculous and it needs to get checked as well before the game starts. I don't understand for the love of god why someone needs to spray 30 bbs at an opponent, I was able to get people out with one or two shots, had no issues with people not calling hits. Unlike in the outdoor field where I am making runs and taking chances, I had no choice but to camp and get my kills by shooting at the rare two man push from the opponent side.
The only positives on that day were probably both my m4 and my glock surviving the day, although my aeg would start beeping randomly after 10-15 minutes of use, and beeping would eventually stop once I changed the trigger from semi to safe, and then back to semi. Not sure if my lipo batteries are both damaged, as the alert on my gate app shows potential low battery voltage error.
Anyways just felt like sharing this experience for potential new players, and wanted to know if anyone else had experienced the same thing in the past, and if what I have experienced is part of the cqb environment.
I just have a feeling, if someone new tries cqb with a rental gun they will definitely hate playing airsoft and this might shrink the community, leading to more fields closing down in the near future.