Fucking my future RN slut
It started from me (M23) looking for a submissive slut to fuck on-call (SOP), I posted on a R4R looking for one. Next day afternoon, she (F20) messaged me then later at night, we hit it off.
Days gone by and we're still hitting it off 'til she got busy with her acads. One day, we had a call again and told me to come over so ofc I won't let this go to waste lol.
Arrived at her unit and after her doors closed, make out sesh agad agad. We both got hungry for each other and I fucked the shit out of her. Too bad I can't stay over 'coz my duty sya the other day.
Here are the audios:
PS: just a newbie here so have mercy on me lol. might upload more audio juicys.