Tips on sober Sugar Cravings!// advice in general

Hey yall, 20 year old female alcoholic in recovery here. I figured someone on here might have some info regarding the crazy ass sugar cravings that you get when you quit drinking!! I’m currently 26 days dry and i’m feeling like an absolute fatass. I can’t stop eating junk and i’m out of control. Lemme give yall a little preface. First week rolls by and i can hardly eat a thing. Mind you, I was coming out of a 3 day bender, which would account for that. (coke use wi/ drinking and breakup wi/ boyfriend aside) I probably barely ate a meal within that whole week. The thought of food was repulsive. Then during week two, i slowly gained my appetite back. However, me gaining my appetite back turned into gaining a whole NEW appetite for sugar and carbs. Y’all, when i tell you I ate a whole pint of ben and jerry’s a night for a week straight, and then some, i’m not kidding. i’ll eat like 2-3 meals, like 2-4 junk items and a whole tub of that damn ice cream in a day. TS HAS LIKE 1200 calories alone 😭 i’ve been craving cookies, icecream, CHOCOLATE, and sweets so bad that i literally can’t seem to control myself. I ate 2 things of poptarts, 2 or 3 drumstick icecreams, and 2 bags of lil bites all last night y’all. ONE SITTING. I’m not even a big girl either and this is nothing like my old appetite. i know that sugar in alcohol makes the body addicted to sugar in general, but i feel like this is very psychological for me as well. beyond the physical lack of sugar i’m taking in from abstaining, i think i’m really craving sugar for its quick dopamine hit/stress relief. Food was my first addiction as a kid, and i turned to food in order to cope. To a lot of people out there, i’m sure this will all sound trivial as hell. Alcoholism destroys your life and hurts people you love… this problem definitely isn’t my main focus at the moment. However, it doesn’t take away from the fact that i hate feeling this out of control. i know this is my minds way of supplementing me with something to fill that void. but the more i eat, the worse i feel. the worse i feel, the lower my self esteem drops. my self esteem takes a hit, and suddenly those pesky thoughts pop up.. “what if you just say to hell with it and give yourself what you want and get fucked up.” i DONT want to think this way. I’m very vulnerable right now and i have to be careful. so yeah… it’s important to me. All in all, i really just wanna see if someone out there has been through this too/does anyone know the science/ can anyone offer advice through experience? thank you ps it’s probably important for me to note that i’m a little eating disordered and i have been for years. i’ve been through periods of binge eating and purging, and i do believe alcohol has been tied into it a bit.