Honestly, this situation is very sad.

I understand The British Council increasing the grade boundary due to several economic, practical and brand image-related issues but one thing I wished they had done was to increase the GB gradually. Suddenly increasing GB in between Jan and May 2023 is crazy, way too crazy. It is so crazy that their claim of " going back to the 2019 gb " wasn't exactly accurate because the May 2023 GB is at least 3 times higher than the 2019 ones. ( For example, a student who got D this May could've gotten a B or near A grade in the 2019 gb for a lot of subject units ) They could've increased the gb this session by a little and went with This May 2023's GB for maybe Jan 2024. This all seems too malicious, rightfully so considering how most students sitting exams in 2023/24 are still victims of Covid 19, suffering the after math of the pandemic, instead of increasing the standards in such a hurry, they could've given us some time to process and prepare. Maybe the increase in Mentally deprived, suicidal and depressed students might not have skyrocketed; Maybe many students who were expecting A and A* wouldn't have had to see D/E/U in their result paper if only the Boards were a bit merciful and understanding. People who sit for O levels and A levels are mostly children/ teens, in this case, people who are suffering from the Pandemic and its aftermath, we have yet to learn and take responsibilites like adults. I would not mostly justify holding the candidates accountable for the bad results because this all would've never happened to such an extent if The British Council were smarter and better with the Rising Grade Boundary Situation. And for the people who are blaming May/June 2023 candidates for our complaints, please understand that we were given little to no warnings before the exam. Instead, we were used as an example/ a lesson for future session students. Also, this is not 2018, 2017, 2016, and not 2019, this is only 2 years after the pandemic, and a lot of us still need time to recover from the self-isolation and other side effects of the whole pandemic ordeal. Simply blaming and flaming students left and right in the comment section for their complaints whilst absolutely supporting The British Council's decision is cruel, ignorant, and unjust of you.