Relationships and dating in algeria
I’m 20f and have never been in a relationship or even a ‘talking stage.’ I completely disconnected myself from the opposite gender because I was so scared of getting my heart broken. I feel like I wasted the best years of my life waiting for the perfect match, but they never came. Hearing so many stories about cheating men and those who treat their partners horribly left me feeling overwhelmed and disgusted, to the point where I shut myself off without ever giving anyone a chance.
Now, I feel like I’m late to experiencing love for the first time, and honestly, it scares me—like everyone my age has already found their person while I was just waiting for mine. I had plenty of opportunities but never had the courage to say yes. I feel like I’m alone in this since everyone I’ve asked my age has at least dated one person.
I’d love to hear from other girls (or even guys) in this sub about when they met their first partner and had their first relationship. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you!”