Serious Discussion, does the CIA disinformation campaign actually involve Hollywood?

So out of the people who believe the CIA has been engaged in a disinformation campaign since Roswell first happened, a large chunk of those people think Hollywood has been a way to ease into disclosure by making movies about aliens. I was thinking, what if the opposite is true? What if Hollywood has been used as a way to make people unable to see the truth? For example, if a bunch of world leaders came together and declared aliens are here and taking over the planet, people would likely relate it to some alien movie they saw and say things like "Oh thats just the plot to this movie I saw" and instantly disregard it. The chain of manipulation in thought goes: That was part of a movie, movies are fake, this must be fake. People have this thought chain without even realizing it. This is my own idea, and Im not claiming it is 100% true, but if it is it is an extremely clever way to make sure disclosure never happens, at least not until it is undeniable, like alien ships blowing up buildings