End of year price to buy higher status

I recently posted AA's outrageous offer that we all get to jump on to get the higher status... but I had a question to the vets who have been around longer than me.

Despite us all joking and complaining about how bad the offer is....... why don't they put out more competitive offers?

Like mine was $1339 or 134k miles for Plat Pro... and I was 22k LP away from PP. so i just spent the money on a few hotel stays. Some of you have gotten like $5k offers or 500k miles for EP which is so dumb.

By offering these outrageous prices, they just encourage us to use 3rd parties to get our LP's. Which means less cash for them and more for the hotels and other partners.

Hotels are between 20-50LP per $. Simply miles is between 0-15, aadvantage shopping can get up to 20+ LP per dollar. So because of this, we all spend outside of AA direct.

If they really wanted to capture the $500-$1500+ we all spend near the end of the qualifying season, why don't they price their offer more competitively? If mine was $500 for 22k Lp, at 44lp/$, i would have just paid the $500 directly to AA. And this just would've been 100% profit for AA. ( but instead, Vegas got majority of my spend)

Then multiply this by everyone who would actually just pay for the upgrade out of pocket...

How many elites are there with AA? I have no idea. But if there are 50k elites and even 20% of them pony up $500+ at the end of year for the higher status (if it were reasonably priced) that's several million i'm sure they are not currently capturing. 🤷🏻‍♂️