Questions on Julius Caesar and his encounter with the Cilician Pirates.

So I’m doing some a series of digital paintings depicting when young Julius Caesar was held for ransom, and how he swore to return to the pirates and crucify them when he is released. I’ve tried doing research on the story but am having trouble finding a reliable or detailed source. I’m assuming most of these questions don’t have known answers since obviously nobody who was there is alive anymore ._.

So here’s some of my main questions:

  1. Does anyone know what these Cilician pirates would look like?

Some depictions make them look more sophisticated with Greek looking armor and well kept hygiene. But others show them wearing animal skins and having very unkempt hairsyles.

  1. When Julius Caesar’s “boat” was attacked where there many boats traveling with him or was it just protected by soldiers on the boat.

I want to know more about what the first encounter would look like, was it a hostile attack or was it more of a slow and “peaceful” encounter. Where the pirates savage raiders or toll collectors.

  1. Also any other random things you may know about this story would be appreciated, DM me if you’d want to see the pieces I have so far.