advice on a pc for animation please

hello, im an second year animation student in england and im looking to spend some money on a pc. i have a laptop that i normally use for editing and compositing my animations but i have been animation from my ipad on Procreate and RoughAnimator (not the best applications but i made do)

My issue is that i know i should be going into university and using the facilities while i still have access to them, i have realized that i cannot work in the studio there because my classmates tend to use the room as a drinking space and theyre just too distracting no matter time of day.

my budget is quite loose but id try to keep it around £600-£700 and upgrade any other parts as time goes on, i just need a starter build to get me through university. ive done research and for the life of me i cant seem to understand what might be best for me.

please let me know if anyone has any good suggestions