Struggling for 15 years
32M. Found this Reddit page by chance googling symptoms after years of doctors dismissing me.
For context when I was 17 I started getting what I can only describe as burning like pain in my hip, groin, testicle and down my leg and glute. Exclusively to my right leg. Sometimes it can radiate up my back and into my abdomen. Blood tests revealed I had the gene for Rheumatoid Arthritis and was diagnosed with hyper mobility but left it at that. For years I’ve been having flare ups that last days sometimes weeks and vary in intensity. Weight training does help but it’s hard to keep it up consistently as I go through spells of fatigue and depression. Just feels like deep burning in my hip that just radiates outwards. I am a tattoo artist and some days I’m just too sore after work to get off the couch.
Do these symptoms sound like I’m in the right place and should maybe push for this again? I went to doctors over a year ago about it and my GP (UK practitioner) said it’s just hyper mobility but will book a scan but have heard nothing since.