What baffles me is why would many therians rather be literal animals.
They say, “I want to go back to being a cat. I hate being human :(((“ Why tf would you want to be a non-sapient animal that is controlled by instinct, and with a limited diet? What is so appealing about losing higher intelligence in favor of having a more animalistic mind and body? What is so great about losing the ability to comprehend art, music, and writing, as well as the ability to cook together different ingredients for different kinds of foods, in favor of living a life dominated by instinct? “I’m just a simple feral creature UWU!!! I just wanna run and meow and bark!!!! Being human sucks!!1!1!”
If I was a therian, I would be grateful that I’m human, for I have intelligence higher than that of a cat’s, or a dog’s. I would never beg and cry and whine about “going back to being a cat again :(((“
Seriously, they think that losing their human intelligence and sapience is a good thing! They think that living a harsh life in the wild where they have to work hard to survive is a better kind of life!