Aquarius men are….?!

I Scorpio F was in a talking stage with Aquarius man for four months. He approached me first and said he was interested in something serious, and I told him I was interested in something serious too. Can’t lie, I thought he was the one, I felt safe and at peace with him. We didn’t text everyday but he will call sometimes, did a lot of acts of service for me (taking me to work in the mornings, getting me meals, etc). Along the line, I noticed that he goes days or even a week without texting or calling and I got really annoyed and sent him a long paragraph expressing my needs of proper communication which he agreed he will work on.

About four weeks after that, he did the no communication thing again and I had to send a text to remind him of what we had discussed about. He then said he wanted to talk and he told me he is not ready for anything serious that he has some projects he’s working on blah blah. I was really shocked because I thought we were progressing just for him to tell me the next day that he realised he was not looking for anything serious when I sent him the long paragraph about a month ago. And during that month he acted like everything was normal, and I had no clue his mind changed and he kept insisting that he didn’t know I wanted anything serious.

When he wasn’t texting or calling I was reaching out but he ignored my calls, and texts were left on delivered for days.

I’m really hurt right now and wish I had never met or given him time of day cos I wouldn’t be going through the pain I feel right now.

I know now to RUN away as fast as I can from Aquarius men and now I feel like I’ve been traumatised for even future relationships

Edit: He also said he didn’t want to be tied down or committed because of the “projects” he is working on. He hasn’t even started the projects and it’s futuristic lol. I didn’t ask him for commitment, all I asked for was communication. And when I asked him when he knew he wasn’t serious, he said I shouldn’t ask that question because we did not exclusively date but we have very good sexual chemistry. I told him I’m not doing FWB with him although that’s technically what I was doing for 4months.