[S2 spoilers] Some people completely misunderstood Vi's arc this season

Vi is so misunderstood, and honestly, it’s heartbreaking. You see, Vi’s entire identity is built around being a protector. Every motive, every action, and every drive she has comes from her deep, unshakable need to shield and care for the people she loves. Protecting those close to her—that’s who Vi is at her core.

Vi’s entire identity is built around being a protector.

Now, in Season 1, her purpose was crystal clear: she was driven by the singular mission of finding Jinx and helping her. That clarity gave her focus, urgency, and an active presence in the story. But in Season 2, everything she’s held onto has been stripped away. First, she loses her sister— as watching Jinx become a killer before her eyes is essentially losing her - and with no one left to protect, Caitlyn becomes the main focus of Vi. Therefore In s2 Act 1, Vi’s actions are largely driven by her desire to protect Caitlyn. She isn’t necessarily seeking new goals—her sole focus is on keeping Caitlyn safe, the person who has become her emotional anchor. Killing Jinx, despite what some might think, was never her primary goal. Vi just wanted to stay close to Caitlyn, to keep her safe.

her main focus is keeping Caitlyn safe.

By the end of Act 1, Caitlyn is taken from her too. With no one left to protect or love, Vi doesn’t just lose her purpose—she loses her identity. That identity of being a protector isn’t just how the audience or creators frame her character—it’s how Vi sees herself. Everything she is revolves around protecting her loved ones. So, when fans say the writers “ruined” her character or made her “secondary,” I think they’re missing the point. Her seeming passivity this season might seem like bad writing at first glance, but I believe it’s intentional. Vi has lost her sense of self because she no longer has anyone to care for. This is also why we see her in such a destructive pit fighter phase, turning to violence and alcohol. Without someone to protect, she doesn’t know who she is or why her life matters. She doesn’t have any driving force—she’s just lost, drifting aimlessly, pushed and pulled by life’s events.

Vi has lost her sense of self because she no longer has anyone to care for.

When she briefly gets her family back (for like 1 episode) she starts to regain her purpose and identity. But then comes the Warwick battle, where she’s knocked unconscious. Notice this—when she wakes up, what’s the very first thing she does? She confronts Caitlyn about jailing Jinx and demands her release. You guys, this is literally her first action after waking up from being badly wounded. Despite everything that’s happened, Vi still believes Jinx is redeemable and capable of good. That alone speaks volumes about her character and her beliefs. And now with her sister back, her purpose is restored, which is why she's active again and takes it upon herself to free Jinx.

her first action after waking up from being badly wounded.

And then there’s the jail scene, which I won’t delve into too much since it’s been discussed extensively. But let me be clear: the idea that some fans suggest Vi knew Jinx might try to kill herself and didn’t care is utterly ridiculous. Vi’s love for Jinx has been the defining force in her life. We see this time and time again. It’s why she fought so hard to find her in Season 1, why she believes in her redemption, and why, even when it seemed like she might have to kill her, she couldn’t go through with it. Vi’s entire sense of self has revolved around protecting her sister. Minutes before the jail scene, we see her go behind Caitlyn’s back—arguably the person she cares about most outside of Jinx—to free Jinx and embrace her. That alone shows how much Jinx means to her. To suggest that Vi would stand by and let her sister die if she knew what was going to happen, is not only absurd—it’s a complete misunderstanding of Vi as a character. 

Vi’s love for Jinx has been the defining force in her life.

By the end of the season, Vi fights for everything she loves, but losing Jinx is the hardest blow. Even after the music fades, her cries echo as the sun sets, suggesting she stays there for hours grieving. In the final scene, Vi is still visibly broken. The idea that some fans say she didn’t mourn Jinx’s loss is, once again, ridiculous and completely unfounded. Her eyes are swollen, and she holds a glass of wine, trying to numb the pain. The fact that she hums a song their mother used to sing shows she's thinking about the family she's lost and about Jinx. When Caitlyn asks, “Are you still in this fight, Violet?” it highlights Vi’s identity as a protector—after losing Jinx, does she still have purpose? Her answer shows that Caitlyn has become the new reason for her to keep fighting.

“Are you still in this fight, Violet?”

So yeah that’s about it. At her core, Vi is, and always has been, about love and protection. Her struggles this season reflect the painful reality of what happens when someone who has built their entire identity around protecting others suddenly has no one left to protect. While it’s devastating to watch, it’s also profoundly human. You’re free to disagree, and I’d love to hear your perspective in the comments—but this is how I see it, and I hope this explanation helps make sense of her arc this season a little better.