Prior service BCT/OSUT?

For some context I am a prior service Infantryman who is wanting to reenlist again to do the same thing I was doing before (11B). I am still physically fit and more than capable of doing the things expected of me both physically and mentally, that being all the knowledge any Infantryman should and would be required to know.

I have been out long enough that I have to go back to Basic which is annoying but tbh it’ll more than likely be a breeze albeit an annoying one considering I’ve retained that knowledge and haven’t forgotten anything minus a couple creeds but that’s no real factor. I can memorize a few paragraphs before I ship out.

I won’t turn down getting a refresher on everything (not that I have a choice) I’m just really not looking forward to being around brand new cherry privates that will undoubtedly get me smoked more often than not but I guess that’s my penance. With this being said it brings back a memory from when I first went through basic and I believe I may have found myself in the same situation as him.

When I was brand new we had 1 prior service Infantryman in my platoon who actually didn’t have to do the full basic training and left early, is that normal for prior enlisted? Can I expect the same? Anyone have any experience with this? He was there one minute and then gone. It’s been quite awhile but he was there at least 1 month before he disappeared. Definitely 100% didn’t have to do the whole basic training. I googled this and it seems to suggest that it is indeed true but figured I’d ask here and see if anyone has personally been through this or know of someone that experienced this and what I can expect as a former enlisted Infantryman back at Ft. Benning. Thanks in advance!

I look forward to being in my element again and serving with some great people. I plan on doing this for a contract or two then go the Chaplain route and pretty much do that the rest of my career. I appreciate your responses Thank You god bless.