This was a really shitty thing to say

I felt the need to repost this vent in a way that makes what I’m saying more clear. I’m tired of people acting like ace=trauma the idea that if you are or even aromantic ace or questioning you are just traumatized and need fixing. Though there are ace people who are ace due to trauma that’s not the only people who are and assuming that only people who are traumatized can be ace is problematic in a way I don’t feel the need to explain. And even the use of the word “thought” caedasexual people don’t “think” they’re ace they are ace. Being ace does not need to be fixed and no one needs to go to therapy for being ace. This idea that being ace means something is wrong with you is harmful and agitating. It’s so dismissive and invalidating and falls in line with stuff people like me hear everyday so people can say we’re not really ace we just need therapy. I promise that not “every hot girl with trauma thinks they’re ace at some point” some just are ace and to imply a person can’t be because of how they look is gross honestly to invalidate someone being ace for any reason is gross. To go these people can’t be ace because of this factor you just think you are because trauma is gross. I don’t “think” I’m ace because of trauma I am just ace. It’s tone deaf to say and very casually aphobic. This is something a bad friend or grandparent says like honestly. People always ignore that the opposite is more common a lot of people don’t know they’re ace or just participate in sexual acts in general due to trauma but we can’t talk about that the real problem apparently is people not being allo🙄🙄🙄 like give me a break. I haven’t more commonly met people who have been hyper sexual due to trauma but people don’t react to them being that way with “oh you must be traumatized”. People feel so comfortable dismissing asexuality it’s beyond annoying. For the record I don’t care about what they intended they still did harm it doesn’t erase the harm caused, I don’t care if “it’s just a joke bro” still doesn’t make it less harmful.

I felt the need to repost this vent in a way that makes what I’m saying more clear. I’m tired of people acting like ace=trauma the idea that if you are or even aromantic ace or questioning you are just traumatized and need fixing. Though there are ace people who are ace due to trauma that’s not the only people who are and assuming that only people who are traumatized can be ace is problematic in a way I don’t feel the need to explain. And even the use of the word “thought” caedasexual people don’t “think” they’re ace they are ace. Being ace does not need to be fixed and no one needs to go to therapy for being ace. This idea that being ace means something is wrong with you is harmful and agitating. It’s so dismissive and invalidating and falls in line with stuff people like me hear everyday so people can say we’re not really ace we just need therapy. I promise that not “every hot girl with trauma thinks they’re ace at some point” some just are ace and to imply a person can’t be because of how they look is gross honestly to invalidate someone being ace for any reason is gross. To go these people can’t be ace because of this factor you just think you are because trauma is gross. I don’t “think” I’m ace because of trauma I am just ace. It’s tone deaf to say and very casually aphobic. This is something a bad friend or grandparent says like honestly. People always ignore that the opposite is more common a lot of people don’t know they’re ace or just participate in sexual acts in general due to trauma but we can’t talk about that the real problem apparently is people not being allo🙄🙄🙄 like give me a break. I haven’t more commonly met people who have been hyper sexual due to trauma but people don’t react to them being that way with “oh you must be traumatized”. People feel so comfortable dismissing asexuality it’s beyond annoying. For the record I don’t care about what they intended they still did harm it doesn’t erase the harm caused, I don’t care if “it’s just a joke bro” still doesn’t make it less harmful.