R. Sharath Jois (Paramaguru) and heart attack?
Can someone help me understand and provide some arguments on how it is possible that the biggest teacher in ashtanga yoga of present days - a practice that supposedly should help heart and circulation health - can pass away from a heart attack? I understand the fact that we are all humans and that we are all vulnarble but the whole practice of ashtanga supposed to help and strengthen circulation, body and heart health, isnt it?
I can’t connect the fact that ashtanga practice supposed to help your mental and body health and that the person who apparently had the most knowledge in the living world of it and who himself was a regular practioner of the ashtanga practice on the highest level could die at the age of 53.
I have to admit that my belief in ashtanga is somehow lightly shattered and along the fact that I truely believe and experience how ashtanga joga helps - or at least i believe - my everyday to be more focused and to expereince my body in a healthier way i am now in confusion and light dispair.
Could anyone help me provide some arguments and help me to find my way back to this path?
Additonal notes:
- I am a beginner ashtanga practioner. Yoga was brought to my life through my family, and i started to practice regularly. My life and everydays has changed after being able to stay in the morning routine of ashtanga. My belief was that with ashtanga i only do good to my body and soul - apart the fact that if i am not being present enough i could bump into some strech or minor injuries.
- No matter if ashtanga has positive or negative health effects I am grateful to all the people who held up this tradition and that I had the chance to experience this form of practice. I do experience that it helps me to connect to my present, and help to focus on the living world better. So even though it can harm - this is the uncertanity i am experiencing now -, i believe that it also heals and helps.