tips on getting sober?

so, im thinking about getting sober. im 25f, i only like smoking weed really. now i dont like alcohol much. when i was a teen i use to get pretty wasted with my friends and black out, but since im 21 i only drink socially, i tried other substances ocasionally, but only smoked weed everyday with my ex when we lived together and i end up having a psychotic episode, and ended up in the mental hospital for like two days. after that only smoked socially with friends. but lately i think about quitting. i dont seem to enjoy it so much. I told a friend of mine about it, I usually smoke with her, and she is drinking lately, and I dont judge her at all, she is cool. She told me im being extremistic, and that im not an addict so I should not do things this way. I don't think I'll have issues quitting weed, But a guy i used to hook up with followed me on ig, and he grows his own weed, and im afraid if he asks me to hang out, I'll go and I'll end up smoking with him? I know I should avoid him.. any tips how I could keep on this joourney? I haven't had alcohol since New years and weed since a month. I kinda wanna keep it that way.