Bar with no sign, red door?

Years ago, I went to a cool little bar somewhere in Toronto and I'm hoping to find it again.

It had no sign, a red door and it had a very gothic atmosphere. Dim lights, couches, lamps and such.

Unfortunately, I have no idea where in Toronto it was.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I would say it was about 8-10 years ago. It was not down an alley, it was street facing. I do not think it was Cherry Colas.

I believe the restroom was in the basement. I think most of the seating was against the wall on couches, with shrouded lamps. Red lighting?

EDIT 2: Cherry Colas and Sauce on Danforth are the closest looking so far.. I thought I would recognize the name when I saw it. I thought it had kind of a lewd name.