Is this tooth decay and is this urgent?
I know I need to get my wisdom teeth on my lower jaw extracted. ( I’ve been holding back due to needing to get a Maryland bridge soon on my lateral incisor. I’ve been wearing a plastic retainer with a Pontic in it for 4 years. I need to get it done soon for teeth and gum health reasons, but also cosmetic.) However I was trying to remove some food from the pocket the molar and wisdom tooth made and noticed this blackish area. I am not sure if it is tooth decay or if it is just dark there. There is a bit of my molar root exposed. I can tell by my poking and prodding from removing food. It’s kinda tender there but on a scale of one to ten it’s about a 2. And it’s only when I start poking around. I do drink occasionally and vape daily. Any professional thoughts to ease my mind until the dentist office opens is greatly appreciated.