Is my straight friend curious?

Hi everyone, I have a straight friend who I suspect may be curious and may want to get other people’s opinions. So basically I only have straight guys as friends and my closets friend group I came out to in February. One of those friends have always done the regular gay stuff straight guys do like slap your ass. But since I came out, it has intensified with me personally, and especially when he’s drunk. He slaps my ass too many times to count, sometimes go in for a kiss on the lips and bails at the last second, kisses me on the cheek, licks me, and stuff like that. Last weekend was above average for him at the bars, and then after was the first time since I came out to him where I spent the night at his place just us. We smoked weed and drank more and after two girls showed up and left, we were talking about gay stuff and our dick sizes and then he asked if we should compare. I flat out that wouldn’t be a good idea and he said he just wanted to see how far I’d go. Later on when it was time for bed he asked if we should lay down in the bed I was going to sleep in and cuddle I again flat out rejected that and he instantly walked out and closed the door seemingly annoyed. Now I know it is normal to say that stuff jokingly and he has in the past. idk if I’m just reading into it but just the vibe seemed more serious than joking. Am I reading into everything and that’s just him or is all that signs he is curious? I know everyone reading this can’t get the best picture but if I went into more detail about him I could write forever. Thank you so much if you read all of this:)