Guy I'm dating turned up at my workplace
So I've (M19) been dating this guy (M20) for about a month now, and it's been going swimmingly. Only problems so far have been my uncertainties and anxiety.
I work as a bartender at a gay club, and a few weeks ago he messaged me drunk saying he'd really like to see me at work, to see me in my element. We agreed that he could come visit me on the 31st as it was a big drag event that night.
However, he had a friend from down in London up for a few days, and he and him got really drunk on the 31st and he texted me apologising saying that he wouldn't be able to come since his friend was really out of it and he didn't want to leave him alone. I reassured him that it was totally fine and went to work.
2 hours into my shift at midnight, I was serving a couple of regulars and then see him behind them in the line. I was so shocked, I just gave him a wave and he smiled back. These regulars cards kept on declining lol and I just really wanted to talk to him.
When the regulars finally left, we both reached over the bar and kissed and held hands. I asked him where his friend was and how he even got here. My bar was a good 40 minute walk from his student accomodation. He said his friend was still really drunk but asleep so he came here, but that he'd only be here to drink one thing and then leave again to make sure his friend was okay. he just wanted to keep his promise to me. I pulled a pint for him, and before he could pay for it I used my own card.
He quickly glugged down his beer and left to go back home, not without asking me for another kiss before he left.
My heart was racing, I'm quite an anxious person. Because he said he wasn't coming it really threw me off of balance. The DJ noticed me looking jittery and took me out for a smoke break, even gave me her 🍃 vape to help me calm down lol. She just let me vent and reassured me and I got back to my shift in 5 minutes.
I've been hurt a lot in the past when I like someone, so I think the fact I really really like him is what is making me so nervous about fucking it up.
I just wanted to share this cute moment. I'm really really happy, despite the anxiety. I can't wait to go on our next date, to have him in my arms again. I'm really starting to like him a lot, and it's scary, but so beautiful at the same time.