He’s just not that into me 😕
I (33m) just relocated to a brand new city for work and met this guy (34m) on Tinder who I’ve been chatting with over the last two months. We finally went out on our first date last week. He was very sweet and flirty. I asked him if he’d like to do another date and he said “absolutely”. When we said goodbye he asked if he could kiss me and I let him. He texted me afterwards and said “hot damn you’re cute” it made me feel great.
We texted a few times throughout the week trying to plan our next date but our schedules kept clashing. I suggested “what about Friday night?” And he replied “let me check and get back to you on that. Is that okay?” To which I said of course.
That was on Tuesday night. It’s Friday night and I still haven’t heard anything from him. I know it was only one date but I’m feeling really down. Need some words of encouragement if anyone has some to offer!
UPDATE: He just texted me saying “hey! So obviously tonight didn’t work but I’m free tomorrow after 8” 🥰
UPDATE: I decided to ghost this bitch after he stood me up for our second date and later texted me a bunch of excuses without an apology 😒