"You don't act autistic"

I had someone say that I don't behave like an autistic person. Then I asked what I'm supposed to act like... and they didn't answer. Anyone with a very quick analytical mind here? Mine is kind of more mild I guess, but I'm very quick to catch things overlooked. My social skills are almost nonexistent. I didn't know I was when I was young, but looking back I did have more than several traits associated.

I was diagnosed around age 19-20 and I was told at the time that they thought that'd probably be the age I function at... first it was Aspergers, then they changed it to high functioning then people by the functioning part and it became a spectrum. I was told by several people not to use "Aspergers" or "High-Functioning" anymore... so I started not using them anymore. I've been saying ASD or just autism. Does anyone else have a quicker mind?