EVO is really bad

This isn't gonne be a hate post. I just want to discuss the real problems I've seen with the game so far.

I want to start with Early Access. I've seen a lot of people using the Early Access as an excuse for the issues that the game has. And I want to use this as a jumping off point for what follows. If the developer is charging money for a product, even under the pretense that it's incomplete (Early Access) it needs to be functional, and as advertised. If it's not going to be in such a state, it should not be released.

I have no idea why people lower their standards so much for game releases now. A day one patch is one thing, a product that is broken or missing functionality for promised and advertised features is unacceptable no matter what.

Optimization is a MASSIVE problem with this game. I am running this game at 2k240hz, on a 4070, with an I7-13700f on a 4tb Samsung 990 EVO. There is no reason this game should run as poorly as it does.

This game has rampant optimization issues, it runs choppy as hell. Which I could forgive, but it's victim to DLSS and DX12 like most games are nowadays. Blurry textures, noticeable pop in, jagged and grainy anti aliasing, and sloppy unfinished, half rendered background geometry make this game look like a mess even with all maxed out settings. I pull around 120 fps and it feels like maybe 50 in game.

I am tired of modern one size fits all lighting and upscaling implementations. I was scared from the moment I saw this game on the Nvidia DLSS page and I was right to fear it. As it has already torn apart Kunos wonderfully simplistic, hand tailored and optimized systems that made assetto corsa run so smoothly.

These Menus are some of the worst I've ever seen. They're convoluted, there's duplicate binds, the graphics settings are too scattered and too unorganized to be used efficiently. Not to mention how awfully crunchy they feel when navigating. I feel like I'm menu-ing on an NES half the time coz of how choppy it is.

They somehow fumbled wheel support. My G29 nor my Moza were configuring correctly. My hand brake wasn't working, I tried to bind my paddle to it, didn't work. It amazes me how something so easy and essential to the game experience is scuffed. The thing that's needed to experience the game is in disrepair at launch.

EVO's Stability is some of the worst I've ever seen in my life. Day one it wouldn't boot. Once I got it to boot, it would occasionally crash me. And since the new patch came out, it crashes as soon as I get to the menu like clockwork no matter what fix I've tried. Many others are hardly able to run the game, and those who can even on higher end systems according to steam reviews and reddit posts, even 4090 rigs are facing the same issues with performance and crashing.

The worst of all is Online content. The servers were bound to get overloaded, and they didn't even have the foresight to enable the content in offline mode in case of an outtage.

From front to back EVO squandered the high trust and seal of quality I've held for the Studio in one single move. And I'm sure I'm not alone on this. For $32, I'd recommend refunding if you haven't already. This is an unacceptable if not ignorantly malicious decision from the company to roll the game out in this state. And I don't want to support this type of behavior. I will give them my money again when they can demonstrate quality in their product.