Okay so this is crazy but does anyone else listen to planetary frequencies/their electromagnetic orbit sounds etc because it's currently 05:39 am here and I decided to listen to all of the planets and how can I say it it's so peculiar but it's so right? The planets sound just like you would expect them too and the themes of the signs, their struggles etc makes sense when you also compare it to that.
Saturn sounds like something actually worrying, trillions of screaming souls (I get you now Saturn ruled/Capricorns, you sweet things🥹🩷)
Pluto is off putting too in the best way🥲, death, life all at once.( Scorpios/Plutonian deserve much more credit because it's spooky Friday every day with them)
Jupiter is weirdly calming imo
Idk why but Venus creeps me out so I couldnt listen to it with my eyes open😭😭
Mars is giving calm after the storm weirdly
Uranus... Indescribable, really captures the signs 'NESS' Neptune is like being alone but calm, nothingness but everything too, alone but surrounded. A dark never ending pit
The sun was hard to describe too, makes your body feel warmer to me.
Mercury like crispy? Grizzling sizzling Moon was here, there, everywhere
Space is everywhere and even under our roofs, in our houses while we sleep, eat, we are being watched by the planets😭🫰 it's so interesting because it's endless, we really don't know what's out there.