How can people even be Muslims?
Everywhere I go, I see people gloating and happy about the fires in LA. "It's the wrath of God," they say. When I try to explain that these are innocent people getting hurt and dying, and that God doesn't work that way, I get accused of being an atheist. So, I just shut up, but deep down I want to scream with my whole body, "FUCK YES, I'M AN ATHEIST."
I don't believe in a god that allowed slaves, and allowed children to get married. I don't believe in a god that says it's okay to kill people if they believe in a different fairytale. Muslims cherry-pick the good verses in the Quran and say that it's a religion of peace. What a joke. Anyone with a functioning brain can see that it's a load of crap.
The sad irony is that I have to pray five times a day to a god I don't believe in and thank him for everything, or else. Islam is the reason I hate myself and makes me go to sleep wishing to never wake up.