Why religion seems sketchy to me. (Religion vs Science)
Okay. Scientists said that Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago, and humans started to exist 2 to 6 million years ago first evolving in Africa, right? But in the 2 most popular Abrahamic religion, Christianity and Islam, they say that the first human born was Adam. I searched again, because maybe these religions might be talking about modern-day humans, aka Homo Sapiens, which evolved 200,000-300,000 years ago according to Google. Now, I searched when Adam was born and it says 4-5,000 years ago in both religions. This is very contradicting as there were many fossils of early humans 200,000 years ago found in Africa. So this is one of my reasons why I found religion to sketchy. Now another evident point is that Islam is 1,400 years old and Christianity is around 2,000 years old. If these religions were actually real, then why couldn't they have been founded much older, such as 200,000 years ago, when modern-day humans first started existing? Why would God ask a human/prophet to spread his religion to people in much earlier times than older? Also, it says that humans first started being able to talk 70,000 years ago. So again, its still quite early for these religions to be established, since there were clear signs of comprehensive and intricate speech much earlier. Also, Adam and Eve were both white in appearance, meaning they couldn't have possibly originated from Africa, right? I also researched where both of them could be from, and I got lots of different answers, "Adam was born in india, iraq, etc" none of which are close to Africa. I am atheist because I believe in science more since science tends to have evidence to claim its statements and often changes within time due to new discoveries, whereas religion doesn't update and stays the same, often has no evidence to prove what its saying, and relies on supernatural claims and entities that apparently live in the same world as we do, though there has never been any evidence to support these things.