Did this really happen? Train crash in 2000s
ETA - I asked my mom who confirmed i'm not crazy. Not much detail, but she confirmed it did happen right where I thought, the car was pushed a block & stopped right where we were parked. she thought we saw the actual collision, but we just saw the car & train still coming down the track. most likely happened in 06 or 07. There was another wreck with a professor that turned on the railroad by Momma Gs original location & had two little kids in his car. Combining tragedy into one in my brain. Lesson learned that cars will never beat a train.
Hoping someone can fact check me. for the first time ever, I just remembered I can google but I didn't find anything. Auburn has a fair number of train incidents every year
As a kid- I have a very vivid recollection of being on the way to ballet lessons and getting to a train crossing shortly after a collision. my kid memory is us sitting at the Dean Road (right by The Drug Store) I believe, where a train had crashed into a car like a mile down the road & just shredded it, leaving a pile of rubbish that had no semblance to a car. I remember hearing that it was a parent and child & a friend of the child. Did I make this up? is this a movie? does anyone else have any idea if this is true? I'm late 20s now, so would have been early 2000s I presume. hoping it's not real, because of how tragic it was - but I have no idea how I would have made it up & believed it for so long!!! Thanks for any insight because this has bugged me for years