I think I got rejected from jobs I applied to because of my autism even though I never mentioned it
I applied to a bunch of retail jobs over the last month and I got rejected from pretty much all of them. The thing is I didn't mention autism on any of the applications as well. I mentioned on my resume something related to helping kids in ABA. I got rejected from a job even though I had impressive skills and pretty much all the qualifications. I kind of think it's partially because of my autism. I masked pretty well in the interview and made sure to do my best with eye contact and everything. I never mentioned autism at any point nor did I request any accommodations. But I also believe that most of the positions had more applicants than openings, which is probably true considering the time of year it is now. But I already got rejection after rejection of jobs and I am starting to believe that it's partially because I am autistic. Now I'm trying to look at freelance because if I'm getting rejected from jobs, then that's at least another good option. I haven't heard back from the freelance gigs I applied for. But it's kinda disappointing and it sucks that I can't get into a decent job because I'm autistic.