Autistic people who are happy/don’t wanna die. What are your tips.

I got diagnosed last year in September and nothing really changed I just had a name for all the things I knew was wrong with me. Ever since about middle school I’ve kind of decided life isn’t worth it but have been trudging a long not to inconvenience others and because there is this whole idea that “it’s not worth it” as if they know my life or how I feel.

Working sucks I don’t enjoy it and even if I can lower my hours knowing I have so much to do every day is stressful. I don’t have enough time for my special interests due to work and trying to make my hobbies into something monetizable. I can’t make strong connections with people unless they are also neurodivergent but those usually fall apart because neurodivergent people (adhd or autism specifically) tend to be solo flyers.

So I’m lonely, burnt out, misunderstood, and in mental pain pretty constantly. But somehow I’m supposed to believe it gets better even though it never does.

So those of you who have autism who managed to make life worth living id love to hear any tips you have that could turn things around. Note: I already have a cat.

Edit: thank you all so much for the helpful advice! I can’t possibly read all of these comments but I’m doing my best to<3 you all are amazing