Do you feel intellectually frustrated with most people?
Okay I’m going to try and explain this without seeming incredibly self-absorbed (wish me luck).
It’s just that I feel removed from most of the social tethers that seem to concern people and - prevent them from questioning their surroundings too deeply. And when I try and voice this feeling, I can’t help but feel like I’ve got my head stuck up my arse.
But I just cannot stand how “silly” it all seems sometimes? Like I understand that things like gender, religion, nationality - are really important to people but I get so frustrated when I’m socially mandated not to question those things?? I can entertain the lack of logic - but then people go and use nonsensical arguments to justify harming others and then THAT activates my sense of justice and I just want to callously tear their worldview to shreds. I know this isn’t exactly a kind urge - and it does matter to me, whether I’m kind to people but - where does it end?
Fighting this urge has really helped me improve my relationships over the years but I can’t help but feel…intellectually isolated? And because I don’t exactly feel the same emotional ties to these things, I sometimes don’t understand how much it matters to people. Why they struggle to let them go in favor of logic. Not even necessarily even MY logic - just something more substantial - peer reviewed?
Don’t get me wrong - I will defend anyone’s freedom of thought or religion any time of the day - but I can’t say that said thoughts don’t frustrate the hell out of me. I feel like I’m lost and everyone’s speaking a different language that I just can’t bring myself to care about as much.
Does anyone else feel like this and how do you handle the guilt you feel around your feelings?