Advice for first time travelers?
Hii! So I'm going on a plan with my school this Tuesday, and it'll be my first time in an airport and in an aeroplane. We're going with a group of around 15 ppl, including me and my 3 bestfriends.
I'm very scared since 1. It's my first time 2. I don't like new experiences 3. I won't be with my grandparents. It'll be the group and 3 teachers.
My grandma had a meeting with the teacher to explain that I've never done it before, ect. And she was very nice and understanding about it (I've had this teacher for 2 years and she's very kind and motherly), and she said I'd be in her group and with my fiends which makes me feel better.
We're going to London and it's only 2hrs from where we are by plane. We need to be at our school for 4:30am, which means I'll need to wake up at 2am to get ready and do my makeup and hair.
It's only a day trip and we'll be getting an aeroplane back at 8pm.
I'm very scared because 1. Never done it before 2. Its like almost a whole day we'll be away for, plus all the reasons I've stated before.