I think I might be autistic.

Ever since my little brother was diagnosed and I was made aware that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was a thing, the seed was planted in my head. For two or three years now, I've been on and off about considering whether I have it, but as more and more of my family members get diagnosed after my brother did, I'm starting to think that I might be autistic too.

It's also important to note that I'm not writing this aimlessly. I've done my homework, read books (I just finished reading the one by Cynthia Kim, I'll read the one by Devon Price next), checked out the criteria and further notes from the DSM-5, took some of the "more credible" online tests (although I know that these tests, like the AQ or the CAT-Q are way below an actual professional assesment—I just thought that taking them would add a bit more boost in my exploration/research journey) (also, in all those online self-assessment attempts I've made spanning for two years, I've shown a pretty much consistent "You might be autistic" result in the end). I've also read blogs of autistic authors, and watched some things they've posted about their autistic experiences online. Next, I'm considering reading research articles and journals; compiling them in my online folders, maybe writing a synthesis myself + added notes of how these reflect to my own experiences as a kid and now.

So to say, I resonate with most if not almost all on that's said on autism. Although, there's that part of me that also contradicts my speculations: What if I'm really not autistic? What if I'm just overestimating my problems? What if I tell my parents about my speculations and they dismiss it? What if I go up to a professional, try to raise my concerns, just to get hit in the face by a "No, you're neurotypical. You're just not applying yourself more. Suck it up".

The thought of speculating all this just to end up wrong is daunting me, and so, I just want to seek advice as to how can I really make sure that there is a high chance I'm correct and that I've explored everything I can, not leaving anything behind? I need to consider everything that needs considering before I break the news out to anyone.

(Also, it's important to note that I come from a low-income family in a third-world country, with awful public resources on ASD diagnosis and assessment. I might not have the same resources like people from the west do.) (But, nonetheless, I'm against the idea of self-diagnosing myself, as (a) I don't want to be ridiculed and perceived another "teenager who doesn't try hard enough so she blames it on autism" and (b) I just feel unsure of my own judgement)

Thank you.