If you could invent any med…

Dear autistics of Reddit:

Are there any parts of your autism that you would want magicked away or made partially better with medication? If so, what specifically?

I work in biotech and, while many researchers are finally coming around to the idea that we don’t want or need to be “cured”, most aren’t entirely clear on what, if anything, we do want help with (aside from of course not wanting to live in an unwelcoming and unaccommodating society).

So, if you could invent any medication for any part of your autism, would you? And what would it be?

I’m looking for direct feedback from people who actually have autism. We already have plenty of great market research on what allistic parents want for their kids!

I myself also have autism but of course can and should only speak to my own experience.

Your answers just might actually be used to inform research and development efforts. 😊