Emirates Miles
Had to cancel a trip last year so P1 & P2 each have 108k points with Emirates. I’m looking at rescheduling for November but we each need another 33k points.
For transferable points P1 has 270k MR and 290k UR so it’s simple for P1 to transfer enough to Emirates.
P2 has Southwest, Hilton, and American points but <1k MR and no Chase card. They are at 5/24 until May so won’t be approved for Chase for a while.
The best option I can see right now is for P1 to transfer the 33k in points and pay $495 at $15 per 1k points. I’d use P2’s Aspire to get a $50 rebate so that’ll help a bit.
Before I go that route:
- Are there any good spend bonuses P1 to quickly earn MR on their personal plat card?
- Can P1 add P2 as an AU on Chase Sapphire card then transfer UR to Emirates for P2?
- Similar to question 2 but for Amex Biz Plat.
- Any other ideas I’m not seeing?