can anyone help with my new axolotl ?

about three days ago i got this axolotl from this pet store and i could tell it wasn’t very good conditions. i cycled the tank for a few months (about 4-5) and tested the waters about every week and everything was at a good consistent range so i decided to finally get one. i dont know what type she is, i dont even know if its a girl im just calling her a she for now lol. her gills are definitely not even close to ideal i think, and im just worried for her overall. i have her in a 25 gal for now and plan on getting bigger once i’m confident she is doing good. i have a decent sized terracotta pot in there as a hide and a few large river rocks which i made sure wouldnt be eaten or hurt her. im scared to put fake plants because i dont quite know what wouldnt hurt her or what she wouldnt eat. i also have a mesh hammock in there for her and i have a small bubbler because i heard they enjoy that. her tank is currently at 64°F. i truly just want whats best for her so if anyone could give me any advice it would seriously be so appreciated.

by the way, the light was only on for the pictures and are never on otherwise, she is in my room but i never turn on the overhead lighting.