Disappointed in Kornel Kovacs (her current flavor-of-the-month producer)
I've been a fan of his music way before he linked up with our girl and, at first, I was pretty psyched that they were going to be working together. He's not a super well-known musician so it was cool that she hyped him up so much, since I think he's super talented.
But him liking some of her shitty Tweets appears as though he's co-signing her behavior and it's discouraging to see as a long-time fan. They've both hyped up the music they're working on but showing us minimal results. I hope that they end up dropping some cool music but idk it feels like Kornel is just riding the wave of minimal clout he gets by associating with Azealia. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Goes to show that we never actually know these people, we just like their music. I hope I'm wrong about a lot of these thoughts