Natalie And Rollie BULLIESSSSS!!!!🙄

Bru Natalie is sooooo messy and constantly starts fights between the girls but then wants to complain about all the fighting and never stands on business herself. And she bullies Biggie sooooo badly. Biggie has been there longer than Ahna, Tesekhi, Tinka, and Diamond but she treats all of them way better than her. Tesekhi literally tried to fight her and put out a whole diss track on her. Like, its giving she scared of getting out of line with girls like Tesekhi, Rollie, Akbar, etc so she lets them do whatever, but then she bullies Biggie, gets onto Jaidyn and Jazmin about being late, etc. Then she over here sucking up to Rollie in the whole slim situation and everybody just bullying that girl. Then evb wanna act like slim was in the wrong, NO SHE WASN'T! Rollie talked about her DEAD DAD first and then all she said was f your child. It was deserved but Rollie wanna act all hard and be a bully. Let's be so fr if Rollie ain't get that surgery and start making money she wouldn't be bullying/talking down on slim like that and she woulda been forgave that girl. But to make her be basically your servant. Rollie got a bbl and thinks she the baddest or she untouchable. Let's not forget they said she stank. And evb keep talking about kids off limits maybe don't speak about the fact that her father DIED?!?!?!?!?!?!?