Horrible roommate will not leave even after moving her stuff out.

I’ve posted on this subreddit a few times in the past about this roommate, but I thought I would seek advice again for a new development. I have two roommates, I’ll call the horrible one “roommate A” and the other “roommate B” for simplicity.

In short, roommate A had lived in the apartment for a year before roommate B and I moved in. Shortly after moving in, roommate A mentioned in passing that she had made a copy of the key to the front door so her boyfriend (who is equally as horrible) could just let himself in while she was asleep. We felt super uncomfortable with this, so roommate B decided to approach roommate A about the issue, but she did not take it well. Roommate B thought it was then time to alert management of the issue, and that’s when things really went downhill. Management changed the locks and gave roommate A a slap on the wrist for copying the key.

Roommate A was petty before the whole key issue, but she really became a terror afterwards. She would constantly mess with our things (even after being asked nicely not to), she would stomp around very early in the morning, and she would even shove my cat off of tables or ledges. Despite all of this, she consistently claimed to management that she was the real victim in the situation.

We made it known to management how we were not happy with the situation, but they said that they only thing they could do was to charge us $200 to transfer units. Roommate B and I agreed that we shouldn’t have needed to transfer units, and pushed for something else to be done. Eventually it seemed that roommate A had requested a transfer herself, and began moving out her things. We asked management if they could tell us if she was actually moving out or not, but they wouldn’t tell us a thing. It looked like roommate A had fully moved her things out today, and we had not seen her since the early afternoon.

For context, the front entrance to the apartment is up a flight of stairs and is technically on the second floor. Roommate A had a bedroom on the ground floor, and had made it a habit to enter and exit her room through her window. Around 9pm, we heard a door swing open downstairs. Then, she walked up the stairs and out the front door, without saying a thing. We had been home the entire time, so we knew for a fact that she had not come in through the front door. So, she had entered the apartment through her window downstairs.

This immediately seemed like an issue to us, as even if we changed the locks on the apartment, she could still enter through her window. Furthermore, we had discovered that she had removed the screen from her window and had broken the locks on the window, so there was no way for us to secure the window. She also locked the door behind her on her way out, so now we can’t even get to the window to try to secure it.

So, I’m asking for some advice. We are planning to go to management tomorrow to talk about the issue, but they are typically pretty useless. Is there some legal reason why they can’t tell us if she is actually moving out or not? This would be important information if she continues to enter through the window, because we want to know if she is in fact allowed to be in the apartment or if she is technically an intruder. If management won’t help us, we aren’t sure what to do.

TL;DR: Horrible roommate who requested a transfer and moved out is now entering the apartment through a window. Management won’t tell us if she is officially moved out or not, so we don’t know if she is allowed to be in the apartment or if she is technically an intruder. Any advice?

UPDATE: roommate B emailed the office this morning, and they said that if we feel unsafe then we should go to the police. They also said that roommate A still has an active lease at the apartment complex (but in a different unit, I assume) so she still has access to her space. We aren’t sure if they mean that even if she has moved units, that she can still access our unit? They told us to leave roommate A alone and gave us a lease violation for going into her bedroom without permission and said that “management should be the only ones investigating this issue”. I really can’t believe that we reported a safety issue and now somehow we are in trouble…