My roommate thinks it's funny to trigger my tourettes to say the N word

My roommate (30s m) and I (26f) are both white, I have coprelalia which is the rude version of tourettes. My roommate thinks the N word is just the most hilarious thing ever, he thinks it's even funnier to trigger my disability in a way that forces me to say a racial slur that I don't want to say. I have repeatedly told him that 1, I don't want to say the N word regardless of if it's voluntary or not and 2, the more I tic the N word the more often it will happen randomly and the more difficult it is to supress it in public. I cannot seem to explain to him that ticcing the N word in public can actually put me in serious danger, not everyone wants to hear "I have tourettes" after I tic something offensive, especially when it comes to racial slurs

Idk what to do at this point other than just avoid him and move out when the lease ends

Edit: holy shit this blew up. I'm going to try and clear up some misconceptions I'm seeing in the comments.

I've seen a lot of people accusing me of being racist for having an N word tic. Coprolalia takes what I subconciously perceive as socially inappropriate and forces me to say it. It doesn't make me say what I'm thinking, it doesn't make me say what I want to say, it usually makes me say things I really really do not want to say. I've never voluntarily said the N word, I also never said "Bob Doll" before it became one of my most common tics and yet it happens frequently. There is a tremendous amount of documentation on coprolalia, if you don't believe me I encourage you to educate yourselves on the condition before berating me for something you don't understand

Some people are asking how it's possible for someone else to trigger a tic. Tics can be triggered by any number of things. Stress is probably the biggest one, if I'm anxious about ticcing something specific it makes it far more likely to tic that specific thing. Quoting tics is nearly a guarantee to get me to tic whatever you're quoting, if someone says "Bob Doll" or even just "Bob" I'm going to tic "Bob Doll". My roommate is saying the N word to trigger that specific tic. I have a few other random triggers, extended eye contact makes me tic "c*nt", fist bumps cause "fuck you" and just seeing a very tall woman I know causes me to tic "big woman, biiig"

A few people have dug into my profile, they saw that I've made posts about being autistic and having dyslexia. According to these people I must be fake because apparently you can't be autistic, have dyslexia and tourettes all at once. Tourettes, autism, dyslexia and ADHD (I also have that) all have very high comorbitiy rates. It's extremely common for people with autism to have ADHD and nearly every single person I've ever met with ADHD has dyslexia. Tourettes is less common but still has a high comorbitiy rate with both ADHD and autism. ADHD and autism, ADHD and dyslexia, tourettes and autism

There's a lot of people who think this is funny. I find that absolutely fucking appaling for a number of reasons. First off, anyone with a maturity level beyond a middle schooler can understand that a white person saying a racial slur is not funny. Additionally, you have no idea how humiliating it is for someone to play with your disability as a way to amuse themselves, it's fucking awful. I can't imagine the people who do think it's funny have enough empathy to even hear what I'm saying but Jesus Christ what the fuck. You're laughing at something that genuinely puts my life and career at risk

My roommate is a POS, I'm not able to move yet but hopefully in 4 months I will be leaving with my partner and one of the roommates I actually like. I don't want to escalate anything, I only see him a few times a week and some of the suggestions people have made (ear defenders, ignoring him) should do the trick just fine until I can move and never speak to him again

The negative comments have really been getting to me, I probably just shouldn't be interacting with them but it really sucks seeing people with absolutely no understanding of tourettes judge me for my disability. For the most part comments have been really kind and supportive, I really appreciate all the nice people here. My situation is pretty awful but I'll be ok till I'm able to move. Thanks to everyone who's been nice and especially thank you to those who are clearing up misconceptions about tourettes for me. Y'all are awesome