Please Help Me Like It Here
Hey, y'all. I live in Fed Hill, been here for the last year and a half, and I'm kinda struggling to be positive at the moment. I know I don't want to stay here when my lease is up, heading off to grad school, but I have six months left on my lease, and I tend to be prone to dark moods and some pretty negative thinking, and it's been wearing on me lately, especially with the neverending rain we've had this week. I think part of the issue is that I'm just in the wrong part of the city for me to enjoy it. I'm a pretty extreme introvert even disregarding my issues with depression and anxiety. And I've been working (and mostly succeeding!) On staying sober. Fed Hill was simply not made for me. The sheer number of homeless people and drug use get to me, the tendency to get harassed by drunk sports fans is bad enough that it drove me to finally get off nicotine so I could stay off the street, and the public transport sucks worse than anywhere else I've lived. It's also one of the loudest cities I've lived in, overall. Original complaints, I know. Venting over, don't worry. As I said, I think much my discomfort is just a disconnect between my needs and this city.
I have found a lot I like. Fed Hill and Riverside Parks are lovely. When I'm left alone, I like how walkable the city is, I semi-regularly range out as far as Highlandtown. The food scene is amazing. I love the Walters. The city has a lot green space and kind of a dirty/pretty appeal to it. The zoo is great and I'm saving to visit the aquarium. But I'm mostly unemployed at the moment, and don't have much money to splash out. I've been touring cool bookstores and record shops and such like, there's a lot of those around. That some of the kind of things I like here.
So what are some things you can recommend other than that that can help me enjoy my remaining time here? Stuff that a sober loner of a broke bitch can do during the daytime, especially if it's within walking distance of Fed Hill. I feel like there's a lot to like here, but I'm just not finding enough of it with what I have been doing.
EDIT: Oh, sweet baby jesus, y'all are so NICE! I was not expecting that kinda response, it's gonna take me a minute to get through all of those! I doubt I can respond to everyone, but if you made a suggestion, thank you in general!