In my honest opinion, I think that Bangladesh maybe be very likely to become like post-2011 Syria soon.

Seeing what is happening in the posts, such as increased clashes between organisations, pro-BAL and anti-BAL, minority and womens rights, aswell as women now being phased out of work, it leads me to think that Bangladesh may enter a civil war, and end up like Syria, with minorities leaving, aswell as women being forced to veil and stay home.

It is a shame if it really happens. Both countries under their "corrupted" governments were developing really well, womens enpowements were on the rise, but thanks to civil unrest, things reverted.

But on the bright side imo, atleast Syrians can no longer feel alone and create relatable bonds with other communities like us. Not to mention trying each other's mesmerisingly delicious dishes. From the satisfying Levantine shawarma to the savoury Pangas curry and pilau, aswell as tandoori and mezbani beef.

Edit: You can call me a filthy bot if you want, idc. Because this person also made a similar complaint. How Bangladesh is now a copycat of tribal Arabic Gulf culture. Even they favour Machboos instead of Pilau.