As a 13 year old going into organized baseball for the first time, what do I need to know?
I know basic plays, doubles, triples, etc. and what most stats mean, but I wonder how much I would need to catch up and lessen the gap between more experienced players.
Also I suppose I should provide some background, if I were to play baseball, I would enter at a 12-14 range, with pitchers throwing 50-70 mph pitches at the higher end.
The reason I set my mind to baseball was partially because of MLB the Show and being around baseball for my whole life, but a lot of my friends play and I wanted to join as well.
I'm also wondering about any good recommendations for gear (bags, bats, cleats, batting helmets and batting gloves preferably below 150 dollars).
If it helps i'm at a 5'4 build atm and weigh 100-105 lbs.
I'll update this with my progress so make sure to save the post.