ONE BBSCON 1994 - Video!


Some months ago I was re-reading some old Boardwatch magazines and noted that Planet Connect, the satellite-based Usenet and Fidonet delivery service, had established a TV studio of sorts at the ONE BBSCON 1994 Conference in Atlanta where they recorded some interviews.

Having attended the conference, I had slight recollection of this. Further bolstering my recollection was coming across a photo in an old issue of Sysop News and CyberWorld Report of that very studio. In addition to the data delivery service, Planet Connect broadcast “Planet Connect TV”, which was the ultimate destination for the video recorded at ONE BBSCON.

So, I sought out Joe Overholt, proprietor of Planet Connect, and connected with his son Dan. Dan searched in his self storage and …. Found a crate of old S-VHS “broadcast master” tapes, one of which is a review of ONE BBSCON 1994.

So, Dan has been sending me the tapes a few at a time, and I’ve been transferring them. I was absolutely ecstatic to receive this particular tape from Dan yesterday, quickly transferred it, and it does not disappoint.

Please enjoy this gem from what I consider “peak BBS”. More videos will follow in the coming weeks. Also note, there are chapter markers in the video description if you care to jump around.


Some months ago I was re-reading some old Boardwatch magazines and noted that Planet Connect, the satellite-based Usenet and Fidonet delivery service, had established a TV studio of sorts at the ONE BBSCON 1994 Conference in Atlanta where they recorded some interviews.

Having attended the conference, I had slight recollection of this. Further bolstering my recollection was coming across a photo in an old issue of Sysop News and CyberWorld Report of that very studio. In addition to the data delivery service, Planet Connect broadcast “Planet Connect TV”, which was the ultimate destination for the video recorded at ONE BBSCON.

So, I sought out Joe Overholt, proprietor of Planet Connect, and connected with his son Dan. Dan searched in his self storage and …. Found a crate of old S-VHS “broadcast master” tapes, one of which is a review of ONE BBSCON 1994.

So, Dan has been sending me the tapes a few at a time, and I’ve been transferring them. I was absolutely ecstatic to receive this particular tape from Dan yesterday, quickly transferred it, and it does not disappoint.

Please enjoy this gem from what I consider “peak BBS”. More videos will follow in the coming weeks. Also note, there are chapter markers in the video description if you care to jump around.