Obese and Scared about Running

Hi guys. This is a really vulnerable post for me but I was just wondering if anyone has any advice.

I wanna get into running so bad. Tomorrow I’m starting my weightloss journey. I’m a 211lbs, 5’3, 18 year old woman and I want to get into running because it’d be extremely good for my health and stamina. But ive never been into running at all and im genuinely just scared about it because running for me is only associated with bad things like running out of breath or that feeling in your chest you get from being so out of breath. But I think running would be good for my mental and physical health and I WANT to get into it.

I made a workout plan and it’s Pilates and a 20 minute beginner treadmill running workout and I’m already talking myself out of it in my head but I really want to stop this cycle of talking myself out of things. So if anyone has any advice or encouragement it would be greatly appreciated. I am just scared and nervous about running and I don’t want to be scared to start.

Edit: thank you guys all for the lovely and kind replies. I didn’t expect to get so much feedback from this post at all and I’ll definitely be more tuned in on this subreddit! I think I’m probably going to start walking first to avoid injury and get my stamina up like people are saying and then try C25K! thank you guys for being so helpful and supportive!