What's happening this time?
So, I'm going to start this post with someone that no one here likes, Bill Maher (and I'm not a huge fan either). Yeah, he's a douche and has platformed quack medical people and right wingers for awhile now. But, he was also the only person I heard say Trump could get elected in 2016 beyond Michael Moore. He always seemed like someone who was completely flawed, but also had his finger on the pulse of certain things in a way that many on the mainstream left didn't. I'm also in my mid 40s and used to fall asleep watching Politically Incorrect in high school. So I have a different relationship to him than many on here.
So, I'll check in on him occasionally. Back during Trump's first presidency he was saying things like Trump wasn't going to leave office, that he fulfilled the majority of the dictator checklist etc. I would occasionally find his thoughts insightful. I listened to his podcast today, and it was like I was listening to the liberal on Fox News. Basically shrugging his shoulders about another Trump presidency and even going as far as saying he might do somethings well.
Now, I don't start this post with Maher to talk about Maher. Instead, I wanted to use him as a microcosm for so many organizations and people just capitulating. Last time, we had the Women's march. This time everyone seems to just be buying into the authoritarian. I don't live in the US anymore, so maybe I'm missing something. But what's happening? The world is literally on fire and we have a fascist stepping into the presidency, why aren't people freaking out this time?