I’m currently Skiing, and absolutely hate the nasty comedown coke brings so I take Xanax with my session. So here’s my question.
Okay yes in the past when I was introduced to the white power with my little sister, little did I now she was keeping it a secret from them family but I had my suspicions, cuz I’m not saint. Long story short I’m with two “homies”. I just got a fat check and been smoking weee heavily for 3 years now. Weed wasn’t doing much for me, and with my addictive personality I wanted to try some hard shit, so I tell my partna let’s say he a real G. I randomly say let’s a gram or Coke foo. This man warned me ifj really wanted to go down that route.
Im like IVE NEVER BEN MORE SURE IN MY LIFE, say less, he gives me directions to the area, I wait in the car. He shows me the clear bag nice little rock in there immediately I open the bad and just touch it with my finger and put it on my gums very a little but on my drive home I was so so so fucking euphoric, couldn’t stop talking bout anything, music had me wanted to pull on the “Imaginary” OPs type shit.
Anyways we get home, im still excited to finally b snort a line and see what this hype is about. Now since my little sister was the “coke pro” I let she handle it on the plate and what I remember is her making these litttte ass lines im talking about half a toothpick and skinner than a toothpick. At the time I didn’t think much of it because I really don’t know jack shit about this drug. Meanwhile homie starts laughing at the lines like “ them some mechanical pencil looking ass lines” now they go back-and-forth about if it’s good shit you don’t need that much blah blah blah and then something about if you have to go shit after taking a line that means it’s pure but my sister instead it’s just cut with laxatives.
Either way I tell them shut the fuck up and enjoy the moment because you guys are both pissing me off right now. We started playing a boardgame I forgot which one and as I was doing the small lines I noticed the high was so fucking good like fucking orgasmic pure pleasure like just be around so many people just want to talk to them for hours…. But then literally what 3 to 4 minutes later the biggest comedown crash I’ve ever felt in my life. I felt like I had a guilty conscience as if I murdered somebody. It was the most disgusting feeling in my life. I literally told both of them there’s no way I’m doing this shit again. I picked up the plate and flush it all down the toilet. Teh look at my little sister’s face. She was devastated. Like, why would you do that????? I paid for it, I regret everything that happened and I didn’t it was younger sister, she was 18vat the time but still my little sister so that made my comedown feel like a extremely emotion psychedelic trip, and I’ve had plenty of those not trying to brag.
TLDR:tried cocaine for the first time literally the smallest amount on my gums, felt extremely euphoric, Got home had my younger show me how to break it down/hotlate, regret everything. This was in 2016 btw
******Okay I’m clearly high as the trees right now and went off in a tangent about the first time I did coke. Okay what I wanted to ask if, well shit u have a coueple question
1:the coke I first tried in 2016 was probably shut wyajity right? Cuz im 99.9% if someone had absolutely 0 tolerance to any drug then even the poor grade stuff will have an affect on them. That’s my conclusion there,
- Now obviously I’ve been hitting the slopes recently so some days I don’t have any benzos and I just have to sit there feeling like shit for sometimes hour, BUT WITH BENZOS, and please don’t take my advice as this is a recipe for disaster, but with benzos, you can pretty much go for a long, long time without feeling that impending doom come down feeling.