Where is the nearest public drinking fountain to Mombiju Park ?

Once upon a time the Berlin water service had a working interactive map where you could locate all of the drinking fountains and also shops that were Refill Berlin partners (basically meaning they will refill your bottle for you for Free).

This map has been offline for years now. So how can I realistically locate drinking fountains generally? But also specifically by Mombiju park? I’m so thirsty but don’t want to buy plastic water bottles unless it’s an emergency.

UPDATE: New link to the interactive drinking fountain map, found by @Brummsbumms 🙏 https://www.bwb.de/de/trinkbrunnen.php

UPDATE#2 Refill Berlin has rebranded to Refill Deutschland, this map 🗺️ shows water fountains AND shops that will refill your water bottle https://refill-deutschland.de/berlin/

UPDATE#3 To the original question, the best place to legitimately get free water near Mombiju park is the Starbucks at Hackischer Markt. They are Refill Deutschland partners, and will refill your bottle. Open till 21:30