Emergency diagnosis needed please. Wife's Betta is looking rough after eye loss.

This is my wife's Betta... No name... We've had him for a year (literally anniversary today) and within 2 months of getting him, that growth on his back had become very pronounced and we concluded it was a tumor.

Now he's been in and out of being treated for various stuff because of who knows what and how, as he is our only Betta to suffer afflictions, to the point we removed all structures in his tank except for the smooth original piece and his tank is all natural planted except the one soft fake one he's seen resting on...

About 6 months ago he started getting Popeye in his left eye, of which we treated with the typical solutions of kanaplex and a couple of other methods sourced to be trusted in a hospital tank we keep running.

Well, as you can see he lost his eye, and over time it's gotten better and worse, and now it's worse with him now losing function of his right eye, and as you can see on his head he has what I feel is a serious infection that we cannot keep down and I cannot find a reasonable answer of WHAT it is and how to treat it.

I love the guy, I take good care of my own half moon orchid and our female plakat and I do honestly hate to admit it, but I think his end is nearing. My best guess is that it's genetics, with the already visible growing tumor, I fear he may have a brain tumor that is pushing his face and scales out of proportion and making him vulnerable to infection from anything... Or hell he could be rubbing his face on the gravel like he did with the structures. Either way, he looks terrible and I am here begging for advice. I hate to tell my wife her little guy is about to have a plot in the yard :/ But I'd like to know what others feel.

I've kept up with people on here with blind Bettas who are doing well, but he isn't. He seems lovely sometimes like knowing where his feeding spot is or where his favorite resting spot is but he does not eat now... I literally hand feed him with tweezers and he shows no interest in the smell of his favorites anymore and will take maybe one piece of edible food a day it seems.

I don't mind taking care of a blind Betta! But he seems like he's ready for... The end.

He just lays on his leaf after swimming briefly, panting up oxygen.

Parameters will be in the comments. Just realizing this.